Here are a few examples. The French, O habitez-vous ?, can be broken down into 3 parts: "where" ( o), "live; are living; inhabit; are inhabiting (2nd person plural)" ( habitez) and "you (singular polite form and plural)" ( vous). where do you live. Saying "I love you" in French can be very straightforward or use grandiosity to evoke an eloquent vividness. See also Je becomes j' with verbs beginning with a vowel in French (Elision) will you. Because he's older, out of respect, and because you don't know him very well, you're going to use "vous". We use 'live' to talk about our permanent home and 'stay' to talk about temporary accommodation. You may want to ask in a more formal way by saying" D'o venez-vous?" Where are you from? where are you. I live and grow by using my powers. - Where do you live? Translation of "I live" in French. where are you now. HEADER. What is the translation of "where do you live?" in French? = fr volume_up O habites-tu ? Camille Chevalier-Karfis. I grew up near Paris and still live there. [example] FR volume_up Donc, je vis dans la terreur des consquences imprvues. Et ils rpondent par une autre question : Matre, o habitez-vous ? In general, "you are" is "vous tes" (formal or plural) or "tu es" (informal singular) in French. French Days of the Week. Veuillez agrer, Monsieur, Madame, l'expression de ma considration distingue. . We live in a house, apartment, or flat, on a street, in a city, in a state or province, and in a . O est-ce que tu travailles ? Whether you're at the checkout paying for groceries, greeting your colleagues, or saying 'hello' to the waiter in a French restaurant, you can use bonjour to address them. In the English language 'Live' means 'to make a particular place our home.'. 151. French don't hate American, or Brits, and don't critic them all the time . Learning your formules de politesse 6. AFAIK Habiter is close to the English inhabit, so it describes the place you live, or the people you share that place with (at any scale from a house to a continent). To say which city you live in in French, you can use the verb habiter (to live [somewhere]) as such: J'habite + [city] Note that je (= I) becomes j' in front of the mute h of habite. b (rel, in, on, at which) dove, in (or da, su etc) cui. So, with that said, here are seven rules to keep in mind when it comes to using formal and informal French. For example, to say I'm twenty years old you'd say: "J'ai vingt ans". (informal)" is O habites-tu ?. O habites-tu ? So people were hiding toilet in the back of their properties. is actually an omitted form of "where are you living right now?" and the person asking this question shows his/her interest of knowing where you're living in details or she/he already knows your old place and now wants to . As you start browsing Formal french country living room decorating ideas for your home, think about the space's desired purpose and focus on a few staple items, such as a comfortable sofa and a coffee table, then choose the rest of the accent furniture and decor accordingly. Where did you live - questions. t'habites o ? Where do you live ? When addressing a stranger, always add Monsieur or Madame, as in Excusez-moi, madame if asking directions or for help in a store. French letter writing is a form of art which asks you to be rigorous and creative at the same time. When in doubt, use vous not tu. "Rsider" is more formal. Camille says: "You sometimes see emails starting with just bonjour, but really it's more polite to say bonjour monsieur/madame. The French translation for "Where do you live? Talking about where you live in French. The French, O habitez-vous?, can be broken down into 3 parts:"where" (o), "live; are living; inhabit; are inhabiting (2nd person plural)" (habitez) and "you (singular polite form and plural)" (vous). (formal)" is O habitez-vous ?. - positive. a formal dinner un dner officiel Foreign leaders are expected to attend a formal dinner at Buckingham Palace (=smart) [occasion, party] habill (e) the outfit would be perfect for a range of formal occasions. Where do you work ? Very hard to say. Great for display and a variety of teaching activities! Nearby Translations. What do you do for a living ? Where are you from? You can use the answers of our interviewees to help you learn to say where you're from in French. The French translation for "Where do you live? where are we. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. rsider = habiter. Upvote 2 Downvote. So, where do you live, Ms. Hankshaw? Answer (1 of 7): Hi, In everyday spoken French it's usually "tu habites o ?" (informal) or "vous habitez o ?" (formal). Most of my audiobooks are recorded at several speeds to help you conquer the modern French language. = Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie ? 1. Never use a slang word or phrase, EVER. Translation English - Italian Collins Dictionary. Now let's take some examples: remember the situation! Madam and monsieur are generally all you will need. With our French lessons for Where I live you will learn "Where I live" in 4 easy steps. Method 1 The Basics Download Article 1 Decide which verb you wish to use. (How's it going?) If you are living at your friends place for a short duration you would say "J'heberge chez mon copain / ma copine" for a longer duration "je vais habiter chez .." if it is at someone's you don't know that well it would be "je vais sjourner chez ", if you are staying in a hotel "je vais loger au Marriott", if you are reluctantly going there "je vais demeurer au Pensionnat .." To be polite to somebody you don't know yet or for respect : you have to say in French language : D'ou etes- vous ? = Where are you from ?, never use (tu) that's only between friend or somebody you already know. Of course, starting and ending a letter written in French is just the tip of the iceberg. In an every day conversation in the street or if I meet you in an event, we don't say "rsider". J'ai grandi en rgion parisienne et j'y vis toujours. The presence of 'ne' in negative sentences 4. 3 Ways to Say I Love You in French - Why are there no toilet seats in France? If you're talking to a stranger or somebody older than yourself you'll have to use the formal: Quel ge avez-vous?" When you answer you say: " J'ai + Number of years + ans ", which means "I have + Number + Years". The French you will learn in this lesson consists of 10 Phrases that describe where you live. Tu viens d'o? French people use to bashing themselves a lot. Translate Where do you live formal. the hill where the heather grows la collina dove or su cui cresce l'erica. The French, O habites-tu ?, can be broken down into 3 parts: "where" , "live; are living; inhabit; are inhabiting (2nd person singular)" and "you (singular)" . Je vis et je grandis grce l'utilisation de mes pouvoirs. the town where we come from la citt da cui veniamo. Translations Translator Phrasebook open_in_new EN "where do you live?" in French volume_up where do you live? I didn't like tea - negative. A friendly way of asking " how are you ?" is to use " comment a va?". How do you say I love you in French to a boy? Dot all the i's and cross all the t's. In French, this translates into not forgetting any accent, capital letter or apostrophe. "Cordialement" can also be used alone for semi-formal business emails, which is becoming . It is sad to say, but this is true. Understanding the conditional of politeness 5. You can use it for people you call by their first name, people your age or younger, family members, friends. As Thomas Smith says, where we use auxiliary 'do', we don't use the final 'd', just as with other verbs in the past simple. Conjugation: faire | travailler 'Tu' versus 'Vous' 2. You'll also often read "o habites-tu ?" and "o habitez-vous ?", but they aren't used often when speaking nowadays, because they can sound a little stilted. Adverb o habitez-vous o habites-tu o vis-tu o vivez-vous tu vis o tu habites o o demeures-tu o tu habites o est-ce que tu vis o vivez vous vous habitez o vous vivez o Show more And they answer with another question, "Master, where do you live?". A living room can serve many different functions, from a formal sitting area to a casual living space. O est-ce que tu habites ? Here are more tips in writing letters in French. [1] Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 23+ years in the US and France. In French, to talk about where you live, you can mention the type of home you are living in (house, flat) or you can say in which country or city you live in. (Informal) O habitez-vous ? Kit? "vivre" doesn't mean to be alive but the concept of living. Nonsense, but it sometimes helps) I lived in London. Types of home-To talk about the type of home you are living in, we will start the sentence with . Inversion: [wp-svg-icons icon="point-right" wrap="i"] Que faites-vous dans la vie ? "Vivre" and "habiter" are a more common words than "rsider". 2 - 16. (informal) or o habitez-vous ? 1. It depends on the overall tone, what you said before and how you expect the recipient of the letter to take action. it's used in sentences like "He lived from 1870 to 1940". Now you try. Comment a va ? Of course, in English the word "you" can be either formal or informal, but in French, as you will see ahead, we use tu for informal situations, such as hanging out with friends, and vous for everything else. A - "You" in French = Tu When "you" (singular informal) replaces a subject, we're using the word "tu". 1: dans une ville: in the city: 2: dans une ville: in a town: 3: dans un village: in a village: 4: la campagne: in the country: 5: en banlieue: allez-vous. o habitez-vous. This is a common way to give your regards in French. Vous is the formal "you" in French. (and you're also a tourist just like him on the same trip) you may just answer "I live in California." Where are you living? How to say your name in French. You can also give details about the location. Fun fact: the hundreds of thousands of people learning French with Memrise get this phrase correct 93.61% of the time! And both mean the same thing in this context. So if you want to say 'I am called', you say Je m'appelle: listen. It is the informal form but still it means where do you live. In writing formal letters, always use "vous" and never "tu". Where are you from? Visualise it. Said, "Boy, where do you live?" INTERVIEW Where were you born and where do you live now? (formal). These days it's quite easy to look up names of people in official . Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. They are French people that are rude, but most people are not. In practice, this means: It's always 'vous' and never 'tu' in a formal letter. To say "I live in" in French you say j'habite . INTERVIEW O es-tu n et o habites-tu aujourd'hui (et le parcours entre les deux :) ? Cordialement (formal/semi-formal) The English translation would be equivalent to "kind regards.". (Formal)|i think this is right Habite-tu est? France, has always been a country where, going to the toilet was not a publicized or a well mannered thing. In France, you don't normally include academic titles in personal formal letters.